Howz Movie Reviews

Elevating your movie watching experience with concise reviews

My Role

Competitive audit of movie review companies
Creating Information Architechture
Paper and Digital Wireframing
Conducting usability studies

The Problems

Movie reviews in current sites are useful only after watching a movie
They contain spoilers and may ruin a movie-watchers experience
No concise explanations
Current apps do not have a comments section

The Solution

Concise reviews, that do not reveal the plot of the movie
Adding a "TL:DR" or "Too long : Didn't read" section
Implementing a spoiler free comments section

Sources of Inspiration

This project uses a different approach to competitive audits, where I've taken inspiration from a few different apps and sites. These features may not be movie oriented, but are essential to making Howz, as convenient as possible for movie fanatics and casual watchers alike.

IGN's Instagram movie reviews

IGN, or Imagine Games Network, is a leading pop culture news network. Their Instagram page follows strict guidelines set for specific themed posts, and their movie reviews posts in particular will provide the foundation for the content of the reviews.

Each review post has a concise spoiler-free review, that hooks new viewers to watch the show or movie.

There is also a score out of 10, emphasized on the post, so users notice it at the first glance.

The content of the post is the first bit that we're going to analyze.

"Cyberpunk: Edgerunners doesn't overtake Cyberpunk 2077 so much as it expands upon it."

• References the game the show is based on.
• Hooks new viewers too, as they will be interested to know more about the game.

"But for the best version of Night City this side of the 21st century, consider diving into Studio Trigger's madcap vision of the famous tabletop RPG."

• Praises the show, but does not reveal anything about the plot.

"It's a wild ride, but worth every blistering second, choom."

• Makes a reference to a line in the show.
• Captivates people who haven't watched the show, but also appeals to people who have already watched the show.

Reddit's spoiler comments

Reddit is a popular social media app that operates through topic based groups, called subreddits. Subreddits are all created to discuss about specific topics, which can be movies in some cases.

The posts on these subreddits all have comment sections where users can discuss about the post. A common occurrence on movie subreddits, are the frustrating "spoilers", where users talk about the plot and the main storyline of the movie or show, where anyone can see their comment.
A way around this is to use a "spoiler markdown", which is a feature reddit provides. This allows users to hide their comment, such that it will be visible only when another user taps on it.

This can be very useful when making the Howz app which promotes spoiler-free reviews.


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